Dedicated Unmetered blockchain nodes on any
bare metal Infrastructure.

Blockchains are web3 

Why is your infrastructure still web 2.0?

Node infrastructure for
Staking-as-a-Service companies
API-as-a-Service companies
Nodes-as-a-Service companies
Crypto investors
Crypto foundations
Blockchain developers

The Benefits of web3 infrastructure

Better performance. Lower costs.

streamline ui image

Enjoy our platform’s streamlined UI and cloud-like experience built exclusively for Web3 infrastructure.

cut costs image

Cut operating costs by up to 80%.

max performance image

Run nodes at max performance on bare metal servers.

The Benefits of web3 infrastructure

New Protocols in Months Days

fast integration image

Integrate new protocols faster than
any other platform
with our patented technology, Babel.

Impressive Lead image

Rapidly lower time to market and
gain an impressive lead for you and
your customers.

custom service app image

Run customized services/apps
alongside your nodes.

The Benefits of web3 infrastructure

Freedom from the cloud.

Control Nodes image

Control where your nodes run while improving the network’s decentralization and resiliency.

goodby costs image

Say goodbye to premium costs.

API image

Implement a robust API to fully control and whitelabel our service.

Run anywhere

Run BlockJoy anywhere. In your garage, your data center, our data center, wherever.

Use Cases

Blockchain for All

Enterprise node operators image

BlockJoy saves up to 2–3x your node operational costs and brings new protocol support to market in a fraction of the time.

Whether running a consumer staking-as-a-service company or powering blockchain APIs for the top crypto products, let BlockJoy manage your nodes so that your engineers can focus on developing your core value.
Blockchain & smart contract developers

Support your community and boost interest in your protocols.

BlockJoy lets you deploy nodes on testnet or mainnet with
the click of a button and gives you the power to efficiently support the blockchains you know and love. Easily run the nodes that power your explorers, APIs, and wallets.
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Early protocol investors & founders

Don't get stuck relying on third-party
API services with high early development costs.

BlockJoy makes it easy to spin up and down nodes on testnet, giving you direct access to your own RPC nodes to help build the next great crypto project. All the while, you’ll save costs over legacy cloud providers and third-party API services.
Beta Signup

How it works


Whether running a consumer staking-as-a-service company or powering blockchain APIs for the top crypto products, let BlockJoy manage your nodes so that your engineers can focus on developing your core value.

Who we are

A team of web3 experts

BlockJoy started as a project to manage staking with friends and family.
We built advanced tooling to optimize validator management for teams of two. But, due to the sheer difficulty of installing and running nodes, our little VaaS company grew crazy fast.

We quickly realized that VaaS can’t work for a network because it centralizes control. We turned our platform into a SaaS tool so that anyone could launch and run their own node with full control over where and on what infrastructure it runs. Now, network operators can run their own nodes; BlockJoy just takes
the headaches away.
Chris Bruce
Founder & CEO
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It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't. -Butthole Surfers

Chris Bruce
Web 4.0
Founder & CEO
Aileen Gomes
Chief of Staff
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Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. -Maya Angelou

Aileen Gomes
Chief of Staff
Eric Ullrich
Sales Manager
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"It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here? What better time than now?" -- Rage Against the Machine

Eric Ullrich
Sales Manager
Joe Harrison
Frontend Engineer
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"Never spend 6 minutes doing something by hand when you can spend 6 hours failing to automate it" - Zhuowei Zhang via Twitter

Joe Harrison
Frontend Engineer
Michal Jaremko
Systems Engineer
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“Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times.” - Saint Augustine

Michal Jaremko
Systems Engineer
Luuk Wester
Software Engineer
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"If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in." - Edgser Dijkstra

Luuk Wester
Software Engineer
Dragan Rakita
Software Engineer
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"Believe you can and you're halfway there."- Theodore Roosevelt

Dragan Rakita
Software Engineer
Vitalii Tofanovskyi
Blockchain Reliability Engineer
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"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Vitalii Tofanovskyi
Blockchain Reliability Engineer
Shaun Taheri
Senior Software Engineer
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." --Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Shaun Taheri
Senior Software Engineer
Proudly powered by our investors

Cudos from Customers


Marc Nijdam

Since switching to BlockJoy, we are now able to run our API nodes outside legacy cloud providers, and we anticipate saving over 60% of our operating costs. This partnership has also saved our team hundreds of hours per month by no longer having to manage daily fires. The cost and time saved have already made a significant difference in our operations, and we're excited to see how far this partnership takes Us.

Álvaro Gracia

As long time crypto investors, we are always looking to maximize our returns. BlockJoy has given us incredible performance and very low costs compared to others in the market.

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